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York Rite Masonic Bodies of Georgia, PHA
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York Rite Bodies / Houses
Holy Royal Arch Masonry
Royal and Select Masters
Knights Templar
Priory of Knights of the York Cross of Honor
Ladies of the Circle of Perfection
About Us
HRAM Grand Officers
Horace Borders, K.Y.C.H.
Most Excellent Grand High Priest
George B. King, K.Y.G.C.H.
Right Excellent Grand Deputy High Priest
Sherman M. Lofton, Jr., K.Y.C.H.
Right Excellent Grand King
Tyrone Hardesty, K.Y.C.H.
Right Excellent Grand Scribe
Albert Livingston
Right Excellent Grand Captain of the Host
Jere F. Hawkins, K.Y.C.H.
Right Excellent Grand Secretary
Donnie Baulding
Right Excellent Grand Treasurer
Sean Britt, K.Y.C.H.
Grand Principal Sojourner
Ronald Stevenson
Grand Royal Arch Captain
Montague Foster
Grand Master of the First Vail
Henry Davis, Jr
Grand Master of the Second Vail
Cornelius Wilson, K.Y.C.H.
Grand Master of the Third Vail
Roderick Kimble
Grand Sentinel
Vincent Williams
Grand Marshal
Franklin Pollard
Grand C.C.F.C.
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