Most Illustrious H.R Butler Grand Council
Royal & Select Master, Jurisdiction of Georgia
Prince Hall Affiliation
Established October 29th 2005
Hon. George B. King KYGCH
Most Illustrious Grand Thrice Illustrious Master
1475 Paul Caswell
Hinesville, Georgia 31313
[email protected]
Giving thanks and Honor unto the Grand Architect of the Universe for his many blessings that he has bestowed upon HR Butler Grand Council and me.
I would like to humbly thank you for the distinction which you have bestowed upon me as Grand Thrice Illustrious Master, I am excited to have the opportunity to lead this enormous body and I thank you for your vote of confidence in electing me to this Office. I do not take the assurance that you have placed in me lightly. It is very much appreciated
It is especially a great honor for me to serve the Royal & Select Master in this capacity. In return of that confidence, I pledge to all the Companions of this majestic body my loyalty and devotion, that I will do my utmost best to fulfill the duties of Grand Thrice Illustrious Master with respect for the membership, I am looking forward to the future and with your help and support we will take this Grand Council to the next level and be the pacesetters in Royal & Select Masonry.
It is the responsibility of all Companions to carry on the ancient traditions of the Royal & Select Master. It is our duty to bring in a new quality of men in our organization. We have made great accomplishment and achievements in the past years and I am anticipating even greater triumph in this upcoming crypt year with the help and outstanding contribution from all of you.
We are all important and we all have our area of expertise so let us be our BROTHERS keeper in every sense of the word and show our support for the greater good of the organization because these are trying times where all my qualities of leadership, experience and drive will be put to the test so let us all act as such before God and Man.
Our program for this year will need the energetic cooperation and support with the keen interest of every Companion in mind and with an optimistic and dedicated spirit with a strong desire to secure successful results
We are servants to others and we will be elevated through the service we give, not the service we receive. I challenge each and every one of you to not be contented during this tenure but ask you to be willing to accept change, because an Organization that does not adapt and change soon ceases to exist so I hope my excitement is infectious, my enthusiasm breeds success and my support is endless, because this house teaches us to challenge, and rebuild our moral and spiritual being. As with all journeys in life, one must stop periodically to evaluate one’s position and determine the next course of action to remain focused on achieving the ultimate goal.
May God continue to richly bless each and everyone one of us on this journey
George B. King, K.Y.G.C.H.
Most Illustrious Grand Thrice Illustrious Master